The cryptocurrency market has always been volatile with predictions being harder than ever. A coin which is on the bottom at present, can be the king in just a few days. And this is what exactly makes crypto an interesting digital asset.
Let’s have a look at the trending cryptos of the day-
Bitcoin | $69,331.96 | $207,995.88 |
Ethereum | $3,685.26 | $11,055.78 |
BNB | $162.66 | $487.98 |
Solana | $0.4993 | $1.4979 |
Dogecoin | $0.1478 | $0.4434 |
Global Crypto Market Cap
The value of the worldwide cryptocurrency market is $2.55T, dropping 3.31% from the previous day. $103.07 billion has been traded in the cryptocurrency market in the last 24 hours, with a 37.57% gain. Currently, DeFi’s total volume is 19 billion, or 7.95% of the 24-hour volume of the entire cryptocurrency market. Now, the total 24-hour volume of the cryptocurrency market is 93.86%, accounted for by the volume of all stablecoins. The dominance of Bitcoin is at 53.59%, up 0.36% from the previous day.
That’s all for today!
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Happy Learning!